Milestones and Mahi: Celebrating Alternative Education Graduations

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Big moments deserve big recognition. That’s why graduations at Outwest Youth’s Alternative Education programme are not just a ceremony but a celebration of resilience, dedication, and hard-won victories. Our graduates have journeyed long, earning their NCEA Literacy and Numeracy credits, gaining invaluable work experience on “Work Experience Wednesdays,” and often snagging their Learner Licences through our courses.

Each diploma handed out isn’t just a piece of paper; it’s a passport to new opportunities and a brighter future. These students have put in the mahi, overcoming obstacles to transition into full-time employment or further education. For us and for them, graduation day marks not just an end but a new beginning.

In the heart of our small town, these young people are big achievers, and we couldn’t be prouder. Cheers to their success and the exciting road ahead!
